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Ceremony of the Keys

Anyone trying to get tickets for September now?

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3 posts

Yep - very confused that the queue only seems to lead to regular Tower tickets, and there's no queue (and no released tickets) if looking via the Ceremony of the Keys page directly.

Posted by
5 posts

Yes! I had read about getting assigned a number in the queue but nothing is happening. The month of September is all slash marks, so it appears it hasn't opened? But it's the right time....I thought maybe I was doing something wrong! Thank you!

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3 posts

I'm hoping an employee opened the queue for the wrong page and that we're not missing something critical. When I open the 'home' tickets page, I get the queue, but it leads only to regular daytime Tower tickets. When I open the 'buy tickets' from the Ceremony of the Keys page, I see just the slashed out days, so at least we're both seeing the same thing.

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5 posts

Thanks so much. Same links I have tried.
I sent an email, not hopeful there!

Will try again tomorrow, same time.

Please let me know if you have any luck!

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7326 posts

... and currently (9am BST) no queue either- straight into to purchase.

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3 posts

Glad I thought to check on getting up this morning, availability is dwindling but I've got my tickets! Hope everyone was able to get tickets for the date they wanted. :)

Posted by
2204 posts

I got straight in at 2pm and apart from two days that were fully booked, tickets were available for all teh other days.

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2 posts

In case anyone was wondering, this was the response I got (at 5am PST): "Due to a technical error, tickets for September dates to attend The Ceremony of the Keys were not released yesterday as planned however they have been added to our website this morning."

I wasn't able to get my desired day, but I was able to get the day before. Hope everyone else was lucky!