This question is for drivers (from North America or the continent) having visited Britain and rented a car. The prices for a car with manual transmission is almost half that of an automatic. Last time we were in Britain, for only three days of driving, I rented an automatic, concerned about shifting with my left hand as to whether or not it diminished my concentration at all, not used to driving on the left.
This time wa plan a 4 week tour and the cost is much higher. So, for those of you used to driving on the right that rented a manual vehicle, did you manage well the transition of shifting with the left hand?
Also, since we will have luggage in the vehicle for some days while touring, is it essential to rent a car with an enclosed luggage compartment (we call it a trunk in the USA, I think British call it the boot). Some cars are hatchbacks and the luggage is visible through the windows of the car. Would this be a problem inviting thieves to break into the vehicle?