Looking for recommendations for transportation from Heathrow to our hotel in Southhampton. Are there car services?
We've not used a service from LHR to Southampton, but we did use a service based in Canterbury to go from LHR to Canterbury. The driver drove quite safely, was most helpful loading our luggage, and commented on various things along the way. The car was clean, roomy, and well maintained. We would not hesitate to use the same service to go to Southampton. It is named Canterbury Airport Transfers. The web site (if my notes are correct) is taxicanterbury.co.uk/contact. The email is [email protected].
There's no point in using a taxi firm based in Canterbury to take you from Heathrow to Southampton, they'll simply factor in the cost of the fuel required to drive the significant distance back to Canterbury.
Use a Southampton based firm, https://westquaycars.com/southampton-to-heathrow are considered a reliable company.
JC from Portsmouth made a very good point. Simply wanted to relate our experience with one car service that might or might not be one to consider.
We use Addison Lee all the time. Highly recommend!
Have used and can recommend West Quay cars most heartily.