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buying a pass for the tube

Should we buy a pass for the tube? We leave tomorrow from Colorado for London for eight days and have a firm commitment trip out of city on Sunday. We want to take one more day trip to Bath/Stonehenge probably.

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6113 posts

Get an Oyster card at any tube station for the most cost effective travel. Preload it with whatever you think you will need. You can always top it up if you need more.

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4684 posts

Since you are in London for eight days, I would purchase a seven-day Travelcard instead of using Oyster pay-as-you-go. It will save you money compared to the daily Oyster cap, and it also means that you don't get charged a higher fare for travelling before 9:30 am, which you will on Oyster. A Zone 1-2 weekly card will cover most areas you're likely to visit, but the Travelcard will be given to you on an Oyster, and you can put PAYG money on the same card to cover any journeys further out.

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3392 posts

If any of your party are students/children I believe that you'll need a passport sized photo for the Travelcard. Getting one before you go will save you time and trouble when you get there.

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1072 posts

7 day travel card = photo required (for everyone with a travel card).
1 day travel card = photo not required.

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340 posts

If the travelcard is put on an Oyster, you do not need a photo. Have you been on the tube website to get any information? Depending on what ages your children are, they may be able to ride for free or a reduced rate.