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Bus pass offer when buying Advance train tickets

When purchasing online Advance train tickets for travel to Oxford and to York there is an offer to add a city day bus pass (about £ 3-4 each city). If purchased, how do these bus passes work? Will there be a pass or voucher printed out when the train tickets are issued from a station ticket machine? Can one just get on a bus immediately after arriving at the Oxford or York train stations and use the passes? Does one need to go to a bus station to obtain the pass before using a bus? Thanks in advance for explaining the system.

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4684 posts

Both York and Oxford are small enough to walk around. A bus pass is particularly useless in York as the city centre within the walls is almost completely bus-free.

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5333 posts

You just show the rail ticket to the driver. As has been said though they are of limited use for visits to these (and other) city centres. They can be useful for visiting attractions further out, but note the Oxford one is not valid as far as Blenheim.

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4684 posts

Correction - I was up in York again today for work and there are some bus routes that cross the city centre. However, given the distances and traffic speeds, it's still not worth using them.