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Bus or Train ?

We will be staying in the Victoria station area at the end of August & are planning to make a day trip to each of these :
We would like your advice as to whether to take a bus or a train direct to these locations. Thank you in advance

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23443 posts

Simple -- check both schedule and see which is more convenient. Since you are staying in the Victoria Station area you are very close to the National Bus terminal so equal option for train or bus.

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6518 posts

Bath, Dover and Canterbury you can do easily by bus from Victoria. Salisbury has only 1 bus a day- evening from Victoria, morning from Salisbury. So that has to be train from Waterloo.

There are trans from Victoria to Canterbury (90 minutes) and Dover (2 hours) which you may find more convenient than tube to Kings Cross St Pancras then the High Speed service- 1 hour and 1 hour 10 minutes respectively.

Bath by train is from Paddington station.

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15585 posts

It really depends on what is important to you....cost? times? comfort?

Since these are day trips, take into account at what times the services operate and how long it takes to get to and from your destination.

And keep in mind, not all your train trips will depart from Victoria Station. Although you can get the tube to each of them from the Victoria Underground station.