We'll be arriving in Manchester in a couple of weeks. It'll be our first visit to England. Our research on car rentals has left us a little confused. We've found a significant price difference in booking a car on the Budget Manchester website compared to booking it on the Official Budget website. It is $200 cheaper to book it directly through the Manchester website. We used the same car type, options and it included the same CDW ($1,000). Is this deal to good to be true?
Was the cdw included on the bottom line of the Manchester site or was it something to be paid later at the counter?
The splt is too big not to have a reason.
Is either price in line with what shows up in a Kayak matrix?
Try both scenarios again without including the cdw.
My brother in law has found significant price differences between booking on the Europcar website and in visiting the Europcar office in the city where he want to collect the car. He doesn't ask for a car on the spot, but says he wants to collect in a couple of days time. The local price is generally less, as they know what targets they have to meet and what cars are going to be available.
This is obviously not a good strategy for many travellers, but it does show that prices can easily vary on a day by day basis, and depending on how you book. What is important is that the price you are offered should clearly state what it does, and doesn't, include. Prices from U.S. organisations often seem to exclude various taxes and other charges for some reason, while European prices almost invariably include them.
Thanks for the response Ed. The quote from Budget in Manchester included a basic $1,000 CDW. The prices I see on Kayak seem to be comparable but Budget's options for Excess Reduction are more generous.
Look at what your credit card does for the insurance.
Even the basic AmEx makes insurance issues a walk-away for chump change per rental period if you enroll in their free deal.
It's a shuttles bus down to the rental center from the Manchester terminals.