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My husband and I were on one of the 2018 tours of The Villages of South England and remember at one of the stops, our guide mentioned that this location was where the beginning of the TV series “Broadchurch” was filmed. At the time we had not watched the series but are doing so now and love it!

I’ve been going through all my photos and have not found any that match the fabulous scenery from the show.

Can anyone tell me more about this particular stop on the tour. Any light you can shed on it would be most helpful.

Thanks much!

Joan in Florida

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6113 posts

It was filmed in West Bay near Bridport. Many of the street scenes were filmed in Bristol.

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2 posts

Thank you both for the information. What I am really asking is where on the tour of The Villages of South England we were when we saw the beach and the cliffs that are in the opening scene of Broadchurch? I do not have photos that reflect we were in East Bay or Bridport and I don’t believe they were stops on the tour.

If anyone is familiar with this Rick Steves tour, they may have some specific information to the original question.

Thank you again.

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1148 posts

Is this the view you are talking about?,-2.763848,3a,75y,72.37h,82.72t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipP0RlodvjBsurXlG9QKKnM1tfTabRC_d6jOi8S-!2e10!3e11!!7i11776!8i4098?hl=en

That's from West Bay.

Broadchurch is one of the best shows ever. But it was filmed in several locations so there is no one "real Broadchurch". Also there are several locations on the Jurassic Coast with cliffs like these.

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20 posts

As I remember it, the village was merely a restroom stop on our Cornwall portion of the Villages of So. England tour last September.
Our guide barely mentioned the Broadchurch connection, and we were on the bus and on our way before I could request a view of the cliffs. Enjoy the series, and the knowledge that you were there!

By the way, after visiting Dover and the Battle of Britain memorial I am re-watching Foyle's War (on Acorn TV) with a new appreciation.