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BritRail London Plus Pass - Schedule ideas with a 3 day pass for family

Is this itinerary doable on the 3 day BritRail London Plus Pass, any suggestions ? Family with mom & dad(kids ages 12,14,16). We are staying near the Ealing Broadway rail station.
Day 1 - Statford, Oxford, Waterford(Wander Bros Studio)
Day 2 - Salisbury(stone hedge), Bath
Day 3 - Cambridge, Canterbury, Dover

Posted by
11294 posts

Is this a tour of trains and stations, or a tour of the places themselves? If you want to see more than trains and stations, you're definitely trying to see FAR too much each day.

In particular, tickets for Harry Potter are hard to get and expensive, so once you've gone through the cost and hassle of acquiring them, you won't want to shortchange that visit.

I assume when you say "Stratford" you mean "Stratford upon Avon," the place where Shakespeare is from. "Stratford" (without further modifiers) is a district in London that was recently fixed up for the Olympics, and is many miles from the Shakespeare stuff. Our UK posters are constantly emphasizing the importance of not shortening place names, to make sure you get to the correct place (if you buy a ticket to "Stratford" you won't get where you want to go - unless you really are headed to that part of London).

Posted by
8889 posts

No, it isn't doable (even second guessing your mangled place names).
You list 8 places, each place requires at least a day (with the exception of Warner Brothers Studio).
In some cases the places you list for the same day are in totally different directions from London.

  • Stratford upon Avon and possibly Bath are too far for a day trip, need an overnight stay.
  • Watford (again guessing what you mean) is on the edge of London, an Oyster Card is valid to get you there.
  • Stonehenge requires a bus from Salisbury. No train access.
  • If you are staying near Ealing Broadway, that is NOT in central London. Your travel time will be a lot longer as you need to get into central London first.

1) Work out the correct names of the places you want to go to.
2) Look up train times and prices from Ealing Broadway on the National Rail site:

Posted by
9375 posts

So true about Ealing NOT being in central London.
Stayed with friends in Ealing in January.

With the Oyster card you can take the train into Paddington Station in about 10 minutes.

From Paddington Another 10-20minutes say to Westminster and that includes a change of trains.

If you chose only to use the tube from Ealing Broadway it’s 30-45 each way into London and includes changing trains so depending on where you are headed mentally think 60 minutes of transport.

While in Ealing do stop at Ginger and Moore. Great pastries. Right across the road from the side entrance to TK Maxx.

Also if you like Pho try Pho Saigon. Good food at each place and I liked the staffs and owners. Pasta Remoli at Dickens Yard is also very good. Kids will like Bill’s restaurant.

Or simply get the sandwiches at the Pret a Manger.

Posted by
16895 posts

Also, view the coverage map for the BritRail London Plus Pass. It does not cover the direct train route between Salisbury and Bath, even though it does cover those cities to/from London, so that would require a separate ticket.