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Brexit Issues

My wife and I will be travelling by train from Belfast to Dublin and then a week later we'll be flying from Cork to Bristol. Pre-Brexit I would have expected seamless border crossings from the UK(Belfast) to the Republic(Dublin) as well as back into the UK at Bristol.
Since the UK has not negotiated the details of leaving, has the Brexit vote changed anything? I'm also wondering how long it takes in Bristol after landing before I can secure my rental car and leave the airport.
Any assistance from someone who has recently traveled between the UK and the Republic of Ireland would be greatly appreciated.

Bill P.

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661 posts

Nothing will change for at least two years, you'll be fine.

I am probably too late to answer the car rental question, however, in regards to Brexit, it seems as though there will be very little change if any for the next two-years until Britain finally leaves the EU. With the Tories losing their majority it is looking like there will be a much softer Brexit and therefore much less drastic changes are likely to take place.

I hope this helps.

Posted by
1072 posts

"very little change if any for the next two-years until the EU finally leaves the EU"
