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Brexit delayed

Brexit is now delayed so both sides can say "trick or treat".

(That's Oct. 31 in case you were confused.)

Posted by
2069 posts

Hopefully no more Brexit related questions. Everything status quo for the foreseeable future...and beyond.

Posted by
1397 posts

Oh, I don’t think we are going to get away with it that easily! It’s just on hold until or if Parliament can come up with a deal for us to say we are leaving (not holding breath on that one either). If there’s a deal, then we have another two years to discuss the exact terms on which the UK withdraws. So it’s not over for several years, if at all/ever the way things are going.

I never actually believed there was such a place as Purgatory, but I’m beginning to wonder!

However, for this summer, I think it is ‘as you were’ as regards travel and holidays. I think.


Posted by
5598 posts

Does anyone know what's going to happen to flights around that time? I'm flying back from Malaga on the 2nd November so it's a bit of a concern!

*tongue firmly in cheek

Posted by
11882 posts

JC too funny!

Emma I hope you can get away between now and Nov! I think all of the UK needs a massive break!

Posted by
5598 posts

I've already been told that all my leave is banned in November....bah humbug

Yes, my friends in the police have had all leave suspended from now until October 31st! I'm glad I left when I did.

I recall certain periods when leave was banned but never for such a duration and especially when it covers the summer holiday period. I'm sure there can be a legal challenge.

Posted by
5598 posts

All leave suspended till October 31st is ridiculous! What are they expecting to happen?

God knows what goes on around the senior officers meeting table. I suspect they're concerned about more mass demonstrations in London. A lot of "mutuai aid" (requesting assistance from officers from other forces) was used during the recent demonstrations in London and because officer numbers have been so savagely cut since Theresa May's tenure as Home Secretary (the irony is strong) there isn't enough resilience to staff individual forces let alone spare any to go on a jaunt to London. When I joined the police my shift consisted of a an inspector, two sergeants and 21 officers now the same shift covering the same area and undertaking more duties, particularly those surrounding mental health because those agencies dealing with it have also been savagely cut, typically consists of one sergeant, usually an acting one (a PC gaining experience before taking their sergeant's exam) and around 4 or 5 PC's. An inspector now covers a number of districts rather than individual shifts. As you can imagine, if all those PC's have children then they'll all want their summer leave in August but that can't happen but rather than try and manage it effectively they've decided it's all too much hard work and far easier to place a blanket ban.

To say I detest the woman is an understatement and typically I don't take enjoyment from other people's misfortune but in this case.........

The problem also cascades down to the travel industry insofar as the Border Force is concerned. They are also seriously understaffed. We've all been stood in the immigration queue at Heathrow, Gatwick et al, staring at the number of empty kiosks and wondering where the other agents are to help shift the numbers through but the reality is that there are no more. There are none sat idling around in the staff canteen, what you see is what there is. Will this continued underfunding have an impact post EU exit? Absolutely, particularly if like many on this forum you're coming from the US because you'll be joining the same queue as all the EU nationals who previously had access to the UK/EU line.

What will assist will be the proposed plan to allow US citizens to use the automated passport gates but we all know how temperamental they are (the ones at Warsaw airport were so much better than our antiquated, crappy ones) but I'll still take the bumbling automated gates over the 1 hour + queues to go via a border agent.

The bottom line is if this government (or an alternative one) wants to maintain the attraction of the UK as an easy place to visit then it needs to invest heavily in the Border Force (and some decent automated passport gates) otherwise expect to see tourists taking their hard earned money elsewhere (probably France grrrrrrr)

Posted by
3522 posts

allow US citizens to use the automated passport gates but we all know how temperamental they are

US Citizens do tend to be temperamental when it comes to border crossings. :-)

Seriously though, the offer from the UK to the US Global Entry members to get the similar plan when entering the UK is actually beginning to sound like a good idea even at the expense. Especially if we will have to comingle with all of Europe. I can't imagine the hours it will take over and above what it does today without some way to expedite the process.

Posted by
16733 posts

I have Registered Traveler. For the last couple of years the egates have had trouble reading my passport so I need to go to a desk on the side where they verify my passport.

Upon my arrival last night at Heathrow, there was a queue at the egates. I went straight to the desk. Two people ahead of me. It took about one minute for the two people ahead of me, and me, to clear. Seriously.

Worth every penny. However, I wonder what will happen to Registered Traveler once all Yanks are allowed to use the gates.

BTW, the two people ahead of me had British passports.

Posted by
12216 posts

The lines at passport control will be so long the mass of humanity will cause the Island to sink and join Atlantis in legend.( Or all the hot air from the politicians will keep it above sea level.?)

Best travel advice I can suggest is, go now.