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Booking a “Big Ben” stairclimb tour

Yes, “Big Ben” is what they call the Elizabeth Tower stairclimb. Tickets for April have not been released yet, but I have the release date marked on my calendar. However, whenever I have gone to the official site to “practice”, it is not “live”—-that is, no matter what supposedly available date I click on, it will not advance to the next page. Nor can I change the calendar forward or back.*wl3jk8*_ga*MTIwMzY4OTAwLjE3MDI0ODkyNDY.*_ga_TNPZRVFH5L*MTcwMjQ5NDU0Ni4yLjAuMTcwMjQ5NDU1NS41MS4wLjA.

This is on my iPad using Safari. Maybe I should just try on my husband’s Mac? I have not had this issue with other booking sites.

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4295 posts

I had issues like this when I was booking my Ceremony of the Keys tickets. My test runs varied each month. The iPad did not always work. On booking day I used both my iPad and desktop and the desktop got me through. Hope this helps.

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8134 posts

There is another thread somewhere on this. The tickets sell almost as fast as The Ceremony of the Keys tickets, so there is no availability currently until the next tranche is released on 10 January. It won't work until then, unless there happen to be 'returns'.

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1045 posts

Safari can be weird, and euro websites always seem to be a little archaic. I would download another browser (Firefox actually seems to handle troublesome sites pretty well.) Give that a try and/or have it at the ready for when tickets get released.