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Boat Services in the Lake District

For anyone visiting the Lake District we have had a lot of severe weather in the last week and more to come both today and in the next 72 hours.

Currently all boat services are suspended on Derwent Water (Keswick) and Ullswater due to high winds and high water levels. The smaller launch services for walkers on Windermere (not the big boats) are also mainly suspended as some of the piers are under water.

If out walking on the fells please be aware of potential storm damage such as flooding and downed trees and be willing to amend your route accordingly. In particular please be very careful if trying to cross swollen becks (streams) and rivers.

Some parts of the district have had up to 200mm (8 inches) of rain this week, that water has to drain out of the system to the sea.

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Sorry you are having to deal with this. We just had this scenario in Charleston earlier this month. A lot of rain in a short period of time can really impact an area.