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Bletchley Park

We are planning to visit Bletchley Park next week. I'm just wondering, for you who have visited, if there are any things that you particularly found interesting?

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583 posts

We spent six hours there in May, 2022. The only thing I found disappointing was the National Museum of Computing, which is actually a separate ticket. I thought it poorly organized and exhibits not well labeled. Everything else was fascinating. There is a lot to see spread over several acres so plan accordingly.
The Bletchley Park podcast features interviews with people who worked there during the war. It’s a great listen!

Posted by
1038 posts

As noted, use the audio guide. It adds to the experience. We liked the cafeteria. At the time we visited, they featured at least one meal that might have been served in the 1940's. Interesting to say the least! There were demos of the machines at specified times of the day. Do experience that if offered. Enjoy!

Posted by
5429 posts

TNMoC is possibly best visited with the guided tour to make things come alive more. Or one of their events.

Posted by
2212 posts

All of it! I found it fascinating, both the history, science involved and the social history. (I didn't do the National Museum of Computing). I did a guided tour and then went round by myself. If there is a talk about how the Bombe machine works (Block B) definitely try and listen to that. It did help although a lot still went over the top of my head. Do make sure you find Alan Turing's Teddy bear!

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14577 posts

I did what Wasley’s did. I signed up for the free guided tour as soon as I arrived. It was excellent, then wandered on my own. I did not do the Museum of Computing.

Posted by
1038 posts

You are all making me want to return!!!! I agree with all the above comments. We also spent about 6 hours. Give yourself time to digest the audio info and exhibit information. I walked back and forth between a couple exhibits until I was comfortable that I understood some of the processes. (I may be unusual in that, but I like to think that "I get it"!!) I remember those pigeons!

Posted by
32325 posts

I've studied WW-II history for many years and the code breaking part of that history is something that has fascinated me the most. I've read books on the subject that have provided a very detailed look at how the Enigma codes were broken. Bletchley Park owes a lot to the Polish code breakers who had a lot of it worked out in the 1930's.

To answer your question, I found just about everything at Bletchley Park to be interesting and I spent the better part of a full day there. In addition to the Enigma machines, one of the most interesting parts for me was the "Bombe" computer, a device which had to be totally recreated after the war. At the end of the war these were all systematically disassembled and destroyed, but with some corporate help, the Bletchley crew were able to recreate them. I also enjoyed learning more about the Lorenz code machines. If I remember correctly, Bletchely Park still sends a daily Enigma message to GCHQ for decoding.

The site is very well presented, with each of the Huts having a different theme. I also very much enjoyed the recreation of the WW-II era NAAFI in the stately mansion. It looked like the patrons had just been there.

At the end of my visit, I stopped at the Amateur Radio station which is also on the site and that was also memorable (I'm also a "Ham Radio" operator).

Posted by
2665 posts

Standing in Alan Turing’s office…highlight of the day.

Posted by
7388 posts

That post has little bearing on the issue, as it concerns the branch line to Bedford from Bletchley
Bletchley is a station for the stopping services on the main West Coast route from London Euston, which is where the vast majority of tourists would be arriving from.
The main line is fully open for traffic, not being affected by the Marston Vale branch rolling stock problems and has high frequency service from Euston, on modern electric trains, often of eight (or even in the peaks 12 car) length trains.The
Via a change off Avanti at Milton Keynes, the next station north, Bletchley can be accessed from Manchester, Liverpoool, the Lake District, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
It is a very easy place to reach.
It is under 5 hours from as far away as Glasgow and booking 2 or 3 weeks in advance can easily be done as a day trip for well under £100 (even less with a railcard), There is even a late afternoon train to Glasgow where the full single advance fare is just £25.

So you could start in London, have the day at Bletchley Park and continue to Glasgow arriving there at 9.15pm, all for under £50 of travel costs.

From London Euston to Bletchley off peak advance fares are as low as £6.50 each way.

Posted by
33508 posts

agreed - the Marston Vale issues will have little to no impact on the vast numbers of visitors to Bletchley Park.

Trivia - along the Marston Vale line used to be a huge facility for making London Brick. London was built with London bricks.

Posted by
32325 posts

Thanks for the clarification on the rail lines. I wanted to repost it in case it was a factor that the OP might have to deal with.

Posted by
7388 posts

Anyone who was wanting to travel from Bedford in the meantime would be best advised to use the hourly (at some times of the day half hourly) X5 bus from Bedford Bus Station to Milton Keynes railway station interchange, then the 4 minute train journey to Bletchley.
There are several routes between Bedford and Bletchley but the X5 is by far the fastest.

It is a code share route with Megabus, but run by double deck buses in the yellow Stagecoach inter urban livery. Do not buy tickets through Megabus as you will be charged £7 each way rather than £2 paying the driver on the bus. (£2.50 from the end of October).