Well, gosh darn! It seems that many of the things I was hoping to see are up in scaffolding. Luckily Britain has so much more to offer.
To the point, has anyone been to Blenheim Palace with the new scaffolding up (or since the golden toilet seat went missing? lol)? Did it subtract too much from the beauty and grandeur of the experience? Was it still worth the hefty £40 price tag—is what I’m really getting at?
I do see that previously unavailable rooms will be available to tour. I was really looking forward to that initial impact from seeing the palace for the first time. Would you save the visit until completion of the roof?
We were there on Feb 15, so about 4 weeks ago. And yes, much scaffolding but I doubt I will ever be back in that area again so I’m very glad we went. The interior looked perfect. We did an extra tour of the ‘Upstairs’, they also offer a ‘Downstairs’ tour. I agree it is very pricey but if you’re British and have a possibility to go back I’m pretty sure your pass is good for a year, which helps justify the cost I’d guess.