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Big Ben Tours For November

I subscribe to the UK Parliament website. Received a reminder this morning about November tours of Elizabeth’s Tower and seeing Big Ben.

Merely thought I’d share.

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2021 posts

If you get a chance-sign up. We managed to tour the place a year before the Tube bombing and Dad and I still talk about the trip and the wonderful pictures we took!

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17238 posts

So they are released on the 2d Wednesday of the month, 3 months in advance? I will be looking for tickets for next March.

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4144 posts

Another item to add to my list for next trip. We were in London for 11 nights end of April and people asked why so long. Why? Because there is too much to see and never enough time!

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9101 posts

Absolutely agree Barbara. Been visiting London since 1972. Always changing, always the same. Never disappoints. Daily adventures and new finds.