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Beatles Story Liverpool

Will be going to Liverpool in May and wanted to take in The Beatles Story museum. Can anyone tell me about how long to allow for this? Also has anyone done the Mersey River cruise & how long does that take? TIA

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2650 posts

give yourself at least an hour, but the whole area where the Beatle story is has loads of great places there,The Maratine museum is fantastic and there are various museums about the history of Liverpool life,the area where the boats leave from is shadowed by the famous Liver Building ,been a while since I did the Mersey river Cruise but sure it took well over an hour,worth spending the whole day in that area ,enough to keep you busy and plenty of places for a meal or refreshment.
My sister lives in Liverpool and has done for nearly 30 years ,used to live just round the corner from Penny Lane and her kids went to Quarrybank school.

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1005 posts

You might want to consider adding the boyhood homes of Paul McCartney and John Lennon to your itinerary. They are run by the National Trust, so it isn't as commercial as The Beatles Story. You must book in advance and space is limited, so if you're serious about this tour, check in out ASAP.

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703 posts

The childhood homes is in our plan but they are having problems with the ticketing system. Once its fixed then I will order them. Thanks.

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274 posts

Allow at least an hour. You can stay longer if you read all of the displays carefully. The surrounding area is also fun, including the impressive museums nearby. I would second the National Trust tours of the Lennon and McCartney homes.

If you have time, it's fun to take a city bus to the Penny Lane roundabout and look for all the places referenced in the song.

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11294 posts

I spent about two hours in the main Beatles Story exhibit at Albert Dock. If you're a fan, the last thing you'll want to do is rush through. It's particularly strong on their early history, pre-fame, which is also the part I knew the least about. For instance, there's a replica of the Cavern Club, but there's also information about the Casbah Coffee Club (aka, Pete Best's mother's basement), where they played before they played the Cavern; I hadn't heard about this before. (If you want, you can even arrange to visit the Casbah:

There's a Beatles Story satellite exhibit at Pier Head; your ticket is good for two days for both places. This has temporary exhibits; when I went there was an interesting one on the "British Invasion" (noting, logically, that it was an American term, and thus the actual British bands never heard it until they went to America). But beware; there's also an inane movie called "The Fab 4D Experience." That's 12 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

I didn't take a Mersey River Cruise, but for more on my Liverpool trip, which was wonderful, here's my full trip report: