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Bath or Windsor for a planned 3 night layover?

Flying in early to Heathrow from South Africa. We're planning to take 2 or 3 days off before our next long flight home to the USA. We did this a few years ago outside of Munich and it was great.

Which would you recommend - Bath or Windsor? We've been to both but many years ago. Looking for a few relaxing days, wandering interesting streets, etc. rather than running around seeing the sights.

We fly back out of Heathrow mid- afternoon, so plenty of time to take the morning bus from Bath.

Any input is helpful- even totally different ideas.


Posted by
1949 posts

More to do around Bath, but I'd be leery of taking a bus from there on the day you fly out. I like Windsor, but not as much to do, but you could always take a day trip into London from there.

Posted by
8084 posts

Bath is a bit far to run back to Heathrow to catch a flight, but it could be done. Love Bath, if you go there consider staying at the Brooks Guesthouse and dine at the Scallop Shell Restaurant (best fish and chips in England).

Windsor is best done on a day trip from London, not sure that I would want to stay three days there.

Posted by
7382 posts

If you are travelling from there on the day of flight I would suggest Windsor, of the two options.

On the train Kew Gardens is easily accessible, as is Richmond Park, and any number of River Thames walks. As well as the normal boat trips (long and short) there are also the Duck Tours, also a lot to explore in Windsor Great Park.

You can also visit historic Runnymede. [Magna Carta etc]

Posted by
6 posts

Thank you - especially the hesitancy about getting back in time for our flight - looks like 2:45 pm departure is our best option. I'd still like to try Bath but will factor an additional night near Heathrow. We'll be coming from 2 months driving around Kruger National Park and will need relax time, so not apt to go into London. Nothing booked yet, so thanks for the input.

Posted by
7382 posts

That actually sounds like a nice compromise, although a 2.45 flight means an 11.45 check in time, so you COULD leave Bath by train at say about 0730 or 0800, and still have a healthy 90 to 120 minute buffer against things happening on the line. Healthy enough for me to know that I could claim on my UK based travel insurance for a new flight if it went totally belly up.

There isn't a decently timed bus from Bath to give me, personally, the feeling of enough buffer- as it is either ludicrously early or an 1110 arrival.

Sure Windsor would be a rock solid option, but it does leave the door ajar for Bath, IMO.

Posted by
2799 posts

Windsor would be best. You could visit Windsor Castle, Eton and Hampton Court. Windsor is a 15 minute ride to Heathrow.

Posted by
4 posts

We just spent two nights in Eton/Windsor last week before flying out of Heathrow and really enjoyed it. Lots of good walks along the Thames, Windsor Great Park (The Long Walk) is easily accessible from Eton, and there's good train service to elsewhere.