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Bank transfer to National Westminster?

Hi, folks,

I'm trying to reserve a room at a hotel in London. This is the first time I've been asked to do a bank transfer for a deposit. I'm not sure how to go about doing this. Can someone please help me out? Thanks!

Posted by
2615 posts

Many people in the UK who send payments simply need the payee's account number and sort code. If you are sending money from a US source, then it will be more convoluted and expensive.

Do you mind me asking which hotel? Any hotel worth its salt would take credit cards.

Posted by
1906 posts

Did you book through There were reports on the forumof suspicious messages. The was apparently hacked.

Posted by
8056 posts

Years ago, we walked into our bank in the western suburbs of Denver, Colorado and asked to make an international bank transfer. I don’t even recall where this was going (maybe France?), or for what, but the bank processing fees were exorbitant. Unless your bank can provide an inexpensive transfer, see if the London hotel will allow any other means of making your deposit. Maybe the hotel is so cheap that the money transfer cost would be a negligible addition, but transfers done in the USA can cost an arm and part of a leg.

Posted by
5907 posts

I’d be very cautious about this. While bank transfers are more commonly used in the UK, they are not commonly used by hotels for payment. If it were me, I would find a different hotel.

What hotel is requesting the transfer?

Posted by
360 posts

After confirming the source is legit...

I used Wise (formerly Transfer Wise) to send several payments. It worked well for us and only a few dollars

Posted by
34358 posts

I have never heard of a bank transfer to a hotel except for large events that I plan for a couple of hundred room-nights.

Certainly never for a private stay. The site may have been hacked and your request is not from the hotel at all. All things equal I'd run a mile.

Posted by
778 posts

The hotel in question is Vincent House in Notting Hill. If I want to pay by credit card, I'll need to call them, and I do not have international calling in my cell plan. Last time I called the UK (to buy theater tickets) it cost me over $40.

I didn't use I've been in direct contact with them via email.

Posted by
28516 posts

I've stayed at Vincent House at least twice, and I know it hasn't taken credit cards over the internet in the past. It used to take accept cards if you provided the number over the phone, etc. I think I just split my credit card number up and emailed it in separate chunks. (Not saying that's terribly secure, but nothing bad happened.) I wouldn't have to do that now, because my Google Fi phone plan has a reasonable per-minute cost.

In your case, I think the solution is the Wise money-transfer service. I haven't used it, but several other posters have. There have been zero complaints about Wise and multiple comments about its low cost.

Posted by
8056 posts

I image that you’ve contacted Vincent House, maybe several times. At least if you use the [email protected] e-mail address on their Website, you’ll know you’re not dealing with Internet pirates or hacker if you try to discuss payment options.. Have they suggested that phoning is the only way they can accept a credit card charge? Is bank transfer or wire transfer their suggestion for an alternative payment method? Do you have a trusted friend with an International calling plan who’d let you borrow their phone for a couple of minutes?

One last thought … does your credit card have possible alternative methods? Mine frequently mail out “convenience checks,” as a promotion to encourage customers to write a check that is then charged to their account. Would yours have one that’s payable in British pounds? Maybe a long shot, but call your card issuer and see.

Posted by
778 posts

Thanks very much!

I have to say, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of situation. I've had folks who wanted to be paid in cash, folks who wanted to use PayPal, and regular ol' credit card transactions.

I'll sign up with Wise.

Posted by
778 posts

@Cyn, All the emails are coming from the address you mentioned. I'll check with my siblings and see if they can lend me a phone for a few minutes. Thanks!

Posted by
8056 posts

Another possible solution - outdated though it may seem - is writing and mailing them Traveler’s Checks. They’re no longer available thru AAA, and I’ve not used them in a couple decades, but a quick Internet search suggests that American Express and Visa still have them. Where and how to get them would take some more research, but you could conceivably write them a check in pounds, a Traveler’s Check, that is! There would be check fees, and postage, of course. And the denomination(s) of the check(s) would affect the exact amount you’d be sending.

Do you have a local bank that makes Traveler’s Checks available?

Posted by
1906 posts

If you want to call you can use a VOIP service (internet calls). Google voice and Skype are 2 common examples. They require you to buy a block of credits. Last I checked it was $10 minimum but the per minute rates are very low. Something in the neighborhood or 2 to 3 cents. Skype credit never expire but I believe google voice maybe cheaper..

Posted by
778 posts

@Rocket--Oh gosh, I totally forgot about Skype! Thanks for the info!
I did use Skype once when making a reservation when my credit card wouldn't go through on their site.

Posted by
34358 posts

I was just about to suggest Skype. I'm glad I've been beaten to the punch. It is less hassle than setting up Wise (which I have), and you can can anybody anywhere, and they don't need to be on an app.

Also, does the Vincent House have a WhatsApp number? If so, and they must have one or it won't work, WhatsApp is completely free for messages, voice messages, pictures and both video and voice calls. My mode of choice these days, but the recipient of the call must have a WhatsApp number.

I don't see a mobile number on their website which would be required for WhatsApp, but I do see fax number - been a long time since I faxed anything!! - maybe they would release a WhatsApp number on request??

Good luck...

Posted by
3330 posts

I do not have international calling in my cell plan.

Why not have the hotel call you?