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American Air Museum

We are in London for 2 days before our tour starts and would like to go to the American Air Museum in Cambridge (about and hour and a half north). Do you know of any day tour that would take us out there? We'd prefer not to rent a car and drive. Maybe public transportation that way? Thanks.

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244 posts

Train from Liverpool Street Station to Whittlesford Parkway
then take the 7A bus from Whittlesford Parkway to Duxford. (Monday to Saturday only).

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33339 posts

leave enough time because there is a lot more to do at IWM Duxford than the American Air Museum - it is a fabulous place.

As you are south of Cambridge, you might also take a bus to the Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial just west of Cambridge a peaceful, calm, beautiful, reflective place - a very moving experience.

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6793 posts

The 7a only runs 3 times a day Monday to FRIDAY so you need to get your timings right-
(The National Bus Timetable Dataset shows that the Saturday service has been withdrawn)

The better service, surprisingly, is on a Sunday- the 132 from Cambridge Railway Station-

Or taxi from Royston or Cambridge Stations.

Unless it was an air show day I doubt you would find a tour. It's the kind of place almost everyone drives to.

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960 posts

I can't help with Duxford, but if you decide you need to substitute an easy to reach place in London for IWM Duxford, I can recommend The Battle of Britain Bunker in Uxbridge, at the end of a couple tube lines. RAF Fighter Command’s No.11 Group Operations Room during the Second World War. Taxi or walkable from Uxbridge station.

I made a tour reservation - that way you can be assured of seeing the underground Bunker. My understanding is that they sometimes get school tour groups, otherwise, not a widely known site to visit. The museum has lots of "personal memory" sorts of exhibits and explanations of how the communication system worked to keep the RAF apprised of incoming German aircraft and protect the South Coast.

I visited with tour and extensive museum time in about half a day from central London.

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681 posts

We found Duxford amazing; the American Air Museum part was interesting, but there was so much more to it that interested me more. My husband enjoyed watching them work on some of the old planes, such as Spitfires. Hope you can get there easily. We stayed in Cambridge and took a bus recommended by Rick Steves at the time. It resulted in having to walk along a very busy road that had no shoulder or sidewalk. Hopefully that recommendation is no longer in his books.

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5691 posts

The other option would be to take the train from Kings Cross to Cambridge (it takes less than an hour) and get a taxi to the museum. There is a taxi queue at the station. There is also the bus as mentioned above if the timing works for you.

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161 posts

Stay in Cambridge and spend a day at Duxford/AAM. See if you can be there on a day when there’s an airshow. Duxford is “a must see” if you’re an aviation geek. Don’t waste a lot of time getting there from London.

Within the city of London is the IWM sponsored air museum at RAF HENDON. All static displays but with your limited time perhaps more convenient. Check out MILAVIA.NET for more information about airshows and such in Europe.