Hi all, my friend and I will be taking a transatlantic flight into Heathrow and arriving Saturday morning around 8am later this month. We have limited time and we really to see Edinburgh, since we have to head to a wedding in two days. Due to our tight window, we want to arrive in Edinburgh by the afternoon. I'm trying to decide if it makes more sense to take a train or fly by plane from Heathrow. I'm a little scared to buy my train or plane tickets ahead of time, not knowing if our flight will arrive on time, or how long it takes to get through customs.
Edinburgh by train: Looking at google maps, I estimate it takes around 6 hours total. It takes around 1 hour to get from Heathrow to Kings Cross, and another 4.5 hours to get from Kings Cross to Edinburgh Waverly.
Edinburgh by plane: I see options at London Stansted, or Luton, or London City, which are at least 1.5 hrs from Heathrow by public transit. Flight duration is 90 minutes. EDIT: the weekend I am flying is 29th of April, and the cheapest direct flight from Heathrow to Edinburgh is $400+, taking into account our 8am arrival time.
Is anyone familiar with these options of getting to Edinburgh from the Heathrow airport? I would greatly appreciate any insight. Thanks very much.