Ok, now that I have London dialed in, it's time to focus on an excursion. Open to suggestions, because this is just my first thoughts on 4-nights away from London. We just want to see a bit outside London...considering 2 nights Oxford and 2 nights elsewhere. Here's the lowdown:
- Open to moving around all nights or staying put some/all nights
- Open to renting a car - comfortable driving, just worried about city parking/hassles
- Sunrise Stonehenge a must (will either book tour or drive depending on what we do with rental car)
- Bath & Stratford a must for my sister
- Maybe base in Cotswolds and move around from there? Explore more of the countryside?
- After this trip we fly to Dublin to see my in-laws. Thinking flight from Birmingham might be handy, but hard to know for sure
- November! I know a lot of rural Ireland closes down in November, not sure about England. Weather is what it is, we will manage.
Any itinerary/location suggestions? Car rental or not? Thanks in advance!