We are 7 adults (mom and dad, 3 mid-upper 20s adult sons, 2 girlfriends) traveling in late August/early September. Flying into Heathrow.
Would you recommend heading straight to the Cotswolds, or staying in London first?
I was thinking of heading to the Cotswolds first as it seems to be a slower pace that would be easier to get acclimatized to rather than dealing with all the hustle and bustle first. But, it looks as if you take a train to the Cotswolds you need to hear into London first? Does this add extra time that you would do away with if you stayed in London first? I'm now contemplating hiring a car/van to take us from Heathrow to the Cotswolds as the price quoted is $350 for 7 passengers on what site I looked at. I'm guessing this is more expensive than a train, but possibly much easier?
Yes, I realize this might be overthinking things, but isn't that half the fun? :-)