I'm heading to London for a short (very short) trip. I've been there a few other times but want to see if there is anything that I should see / not miss on this short trip. I've seen all the standard touristy stuff the past few times I've been there.
* Arrive July 13 (LATE evening)
* July 14 - available until about 4pm, then busy the rest of the evening
* July 15 - Available all day
* Depart July 16 (in the evening)
My hotel is located close enough to the London Eye (I'm a short walking distance to it)
Any festivals I should know about, maybe a new play that's opening, a new museum exhibit... anything that comes to mind would be appreciated.
OH - Does anyone have recommendations on FREE walking tours. I love taking these when I'm in another city.
-- like what companies have you used?, did you like them, what tour did you take....