I guess I am in the minority in that I do believe it is polite to come back , acknowledge the efforts of posters trying to help.. no need to be long winded about it.
"thanks for all replies ,, much helpful information for me to go over"
Took me less then 4 seconds for me to type that.
I do try and always remember to go back and thank posters for their efforts..whether or not I liked or agreed with the offered help.
Its just old fashioned manners I guess. When someone helps me at all.. opens a door for me, hands me a napkin, whatever.. I say "thanks" .
So is the deal that on the internet we don't have to use regular basic manners now?
Some posters ask for quite a lot of help.. and posters sometimes really go out of their way.. looking up prices and schedules for them , posting links etc.. so ,, yes.. I do think a 3 second acknowledgement is due.