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Bath Narrow Boats

My small family is traveling to Bath as a base for other outings in June. We will spend 4 days 3 nights before heading back to London for a few days before we go home.

I've looked at some nice B&Bs - and while looking I discovered that at least one company does B&B on boats anchored on the canal. We will have spent several nights in the B&B experience and head for a London hotel - so I wonder whether young teen and mom and I might like to stay on a narrow boat.

Another trip I want to navigate, but this time I wonder whether Avebury field trip followed by bedtime on the water might be fun.

Has anyone either done theBath Boat B&B - or rented boats form cruising?

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441 posts

We haven''t stayed on the Bath Boat B+B, but we rented a canal boat for two weeks from Bath Narrowboats. The canal is quite busy in the Bath area, especially in June. It's very pretty with lots of boat traffic, both holidaymakers and permanent residents. I think you would enjoy either a short cruise or the B+B. It's unique and would definitely form good memories for you. It seems to me that Bradford-Upon-Avon also had canal cruises - it's not that far away.

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38 posts

Hi - I'm not sure if you ended up booking (you probably did by now), but I did do an AirBnb on a long boat in Bath - I thought it was great! It was quiet and unique - if a bit cramped. As long as you don't mind some close quarters it was fun for a night. It rained and was cold when we went in October so it was very cozy, but if the weather is nice as one would expect in June you should be able to be outside and get the most out of the experience. The canal as very pretty.