So I see lots of talk about Sweden is a cashless country, what about Denmark and Norway?
Denmark is 99% cashless. I was there for one week and only needed cash once.
I haven't been to Norway.
We were in Copenhagen and Stockholm a few weeks ago and we never needed cash.
Most of Scandinavia and the Nordic countries are cashless. That doesn't mean you can't use cash, it just means in most cases you won't have to. Some have even gone cashless.
Having a contactless credit card or setting up Apple Pay/Google Pay on your phone will make things easier.
We have spent six weeks in Scandinavia across two trips in 2022 and 2024. We only needed cash once for a local bus in Aarhus in Denmark. We didn't need cash at all in Norway or Sweden and didn't have any currency in either country.
Thanks for all the replies
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We were just in Norway and the Netherlands. Norway did not accept cash at almost every place we stopped. I even purchased 2 pens for about 30 Krone ($3) and they didn’t take cash. In Rotterdam, more places took cash, but just a few. one ice-cream place took cash, we had to feed it into a machine which dispensed the change.
I used no cash in either Denmark or Norway for two weeks last summer. Norway in particular wants credit card payments - billboards saying “no cash” abound. Even pre-Covid, I visited Denmark and used no cash.
Never used cash in either Denmark & Norway.
A little cash helps. I did my wash in a laundromat a few times. Cash only. Also Danish neighborhoods have pop up rummage sales on the street. Some cool stuff some times. Cash or a Danish bank card NOT Zelle or Venmo. Also some small street vendors. When you need it, go to an ATM.