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Possible trip to Copenhagen

We are starting to plan our spring trip and are seriously consdering Copenhagen as one of our destinations. We were thinking about February or March, we are generally in Germany mid to late March. Other than the days being shorter and it being cold that time of year is the weather generally somewhat ok? Is the cold unbearable or is there a lot of snow?

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8371 posts

We just returned from Copenhagen, and the weather was unusually fantastic for September.

The temperatures in February average 28 degrees F low and 36 degrees F high. Average 8 days of rain are experienced in February.
The temperatures in March average 31 degrees F low and 41 degrees F high. Average 9 days of rain are experienced in March.
May is when the weather really turns for the good and the days start getting longer. The temperatures would probably be colder, however the Baltic Sea keeps them "warm" somewhat.

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971 posts

The weather in Febuary or March could be anything from minus 5-10 C and snowy to plus 10 and raining with everything in between, there is no way of predicting it that far in advance. If that is unbearable for you personally is hard to answer, but personally i prefer cold and snowy over gray and raining. If you are in Germany at the time, chances are the weather is not going to be much different, except for the days being a little shorter.

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380 posts

Thank you!! We actually don't mind the cold and my 4 year old loves the snow (Atlanta doesn't get a whole lot). We were in Berlin, Dresden and Munich during that nasty cold snap in 2013. My husband said that was the best vacation. Now we are hoping to find good airfare.