We're driving to Svendborg next month and do not want to take our rental car on the ferry to Æroskøbing. Is there a safe, reasonable place to park nearby for the two days we'll be in Æroskøbing? (A parking map would be fabulous...) Thanks!
Here is a parking map from Svendborg City municipality https://drift.kortinfo.net/Map.aspx?Site=Svendborg&Page=Kortopslag&BBox=601695.8257171519;6101856.061729132;603835.6005228251;6103238.520576871&Themes=206534&Background=4634&EastPanel=hide&LegendPanel=hide&WestPanel=hide&ThemesPanel=hide&Client=Auto&sso=0
It's in Danish and not very intuitive I'm afraid.
Not the best, but might do in a pinch. Thanks!