In Denmark last summer our experience paying with US chip & sign CCs was just as described by many others who have posted on this subject - essentially there are few if any problems. In Denmark, automated kiosks want a PIN (which we had), while live people e.g. waiters and clerks want a signature. I did mess up entering the PIN on my first purchase attempt at a ticket kiosk and my card was rejected. I simply pulled out my backup CC and correctly entered the PIN and everything was fine. We used CCs for nearly all subsequent purchases no matter how small, and never bothered with getting local currency from ATMs. Two exceptions: In a museum we needed a coin for the locker to store our backpacks. The ticketing agent simply charged us for the tickets plus the value of the coin. She handed us the coin and we used it for the locker. That was the only time we touched Danish currency. Another time my spouse wanted to buy one plum from a small corner store. They wouldn't take a CC for such a small purchase, so she decided she wasn't hungry enough to go look for an ATM. The only thing I'd watch out for is establishments that add DCC or extra surcharges for using a CC to your bill. We got those a couple of times in Denmark.