If coming in on ferry from Oslo, what is best way to get the Copenhagen Card? Don't have enough time to mail, but pick up is far from hotel at Admiral If do the electronic version, does each person have to have their own card on their own phone or can all be on one phone.
True. There are only a few pick-up locations for pre-purchased cards, and none of them is near the Admiral Hotel or the DFDS Terminal.
If you don't pre-pay, you can buy them from one of the many sales points in Copenhagen. You can find all of them on this map: https://copenhagencard.com/sales-points
I think you can have several electronic cards on the same phone, but I couldn't find any up-to-date information about this. But try it in the app. If it allows it, it's possible. Having all of them on one phone would naturally mean that you have to travel together and visit the same things at all times (this could be an inconvenience if you are many people travelling together).
I bought the 24 hour card but it was not a good deal because the time on the card is ticking while you're sleeping! So to utilize the benefit you would to have rush through every possible attraction during the day with very little time left on the following day.Not a pleasant way to enjoy the city.
But in answer to your question it is one visit per attraction for each card purchased. You can purchase here