Hello, we will be in Copenhagen arriving mid-day on Saturday 12/23 and departing mid-day on Tuesday 12/26.
We will be staying in the little mermaid (harbor area) of town.
We are doing a HOHO tour on Sunday, 12/24. We are also planning on going to Tivoli and the Christmas market there.
The place we are staying has a kitchen but we would be interested in going to a restaurant for a Christmas meal. If we go to a restaurant, any suggestions and should we make reservations?
When would grocery stores be open/closed during these dates?
Also, public transportation will be running be running on 12/26, I assume?
I wonder if there will be Christmas music/performances in the city.
We have warm clothes and are prepared for only a few hours of daylight, and are happy just walking around and soaking up the atmosphere.
Also, just wondering where's a movie theater in Copenhagen, and do they show movies in danish with subtitles, or are they dubbed? Thanks fellow travelers!
dec. 24th to 26th are public holidays, so be prepared for a lot of things to be closed. Many supermarkets will be completely closed for the holidays, but some are open. Have a look at google maps and see if you can find a supermarket near your accommodation and see if you find their opening ours. look for Netto or Fakta stores.
With regards to restaurants you should definitely book ahead. Many places will be closed, especially on Christmas eve on the 24th, where danes celebrate christmas.
Public transport will be running on a limited timetable during the holidays, look at www.rejseplanen.dk.
Movies and TV is not dubbed in Denmark (except for childrens movies), so all english alnguage movies will have subtitles. look at www.kino.dk for cinemas.