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Bus transport CPN Flix Bus

We will arrive in CPN on a Friday at about 15:30. We need to figure out how to get to the Flix bus stop in Copenhagen. I am pretty sure the Flix bus stop is not right at the train station but I can't figure out exactly where to go. Any help?

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60 posts

I was in CPH a couple of weeks ago and didn't know about the FlixBus so I looked it up online out of curiosity. If the website I'm looking at is the same entity you're asking about, there are three stops in CPH, including one at the airport and another very near the central train station (KBH H).
Flix bus stops

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971 posts

The address for the bus stop is Ingerslevsgade, 1704 København V. It's behind the central station, but not in a super obvious location and it can be a bit chaotic, so be there in due time.

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1009 posts

I'm glad you asked this! We are leaving Cophenhagen by Bahn bus in July and I am worried about finding the station! I also read that it is small, chaotic and does not have services.... we will pack our picnic up for the ride the day before, and get there really early!! Post back about how it goes please! :)

Have fun!

Posted by
971 posts

Kim, there is no bus station in Copenhagen, the busses litterally just stop by the side of the road behind the central train station. The private, long distance bus markey have exploded in recent years and the bus stop have completely outgrown it’s capacity.
Be there in good time, ask around and watch out for bicycles.

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1009 posts

Excellent advice, thank you so much!!! I may go by there during one of prior days just to check it out... our bus is at 8:30am...


Posted by
70 posts

Not that it helps you this time, but it has recently been decided to build a proper bus terminal in Copenhagen, close to Dybbølsbro Station. It will open in 2019 or 2020. This will hopefully make an end to the chaotic situation at Ingerslevsgade.

Posted by
58 posts

Thanks to everyone for their responses. We now have our plans in place.