Looking for travel recommendations for getting to Copenhagen from Bergen in August? We thought we would take an afternoon train (leaving after 1:30 pm) to Oslo and overnight in Oslo, since we will arrive in the evening. The next day, we could take another train from Oslo to Copenhagen. Some travelers have recommended the overnight ferry. We will be in Norway the week before and would like to spend several days in a Copenhagen before flying back to USA. Any transportation recommendation is much appreciated as this will be the first time in Scandinavia. Thanks!
I miss your definition of best.
Fully other options are ferry Bergen - Hirtshals and train from there via xyz to Copenhagen.
Direct flight.
You could fly Bergen to Copenhagen.
You could fly Bergen to Oslo or do the train from Bergen to Oslo and then take the ferry (overnight boat) to Copenhagen from Oslo. It's a great experience and makes the best use of time while on vacation.
Whatever you do, go on the ferry.