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Aero or more time in Copenhagen?

Our train broke down on the way to Copenhagen so we lost a day of sightseeing. We’re down to 2 whole days.

We had originally planned to travel to Aero on Midsummer Saturday, stay through Sunday and then go to Oslo via ferry from Copenhagen on Monday.

I guess now I’m wondering, is it worth the journey to Aero to stay there two nights, or should I just stay put in Copenhagen and maybe add another day (total 2.5 days) in Oslo? It’s supposed to be overcast and windy over the weekend and I assume the island will be quieter during Midsummer. That’s why I’m wondering if it might not be worth traveling 4 hours there and 4 hours back given the situation.

I’d appreciate any thoughts.

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1955 posts

I spent 3 nights in Copenhagen and then went to Aero for an overnight.

I loved Aero. I rented a bike and got up early in the morning (my one morning there) to take Rick's recommended bike tour. Other than that, I just wandered around the town, and the one night was more than enough time.

In retrospect, though, I wish I'd had more time in Copenhagen. There's a lot I wish I'd had time to see there and on day trips that I didn't get to see.

If you don't go, I don't think you'll regret your decision, though if you do go, I'm sure you will enjoy strolling the streets and seeing the charming old houses in Aeroskobing.

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1624 posts

I went to Aero on a RS tour. My tour mates loooved (with great emphasis) this place. For me, meh.
I think it depends a huge amount on what you are looking for. It is an island and the water views are great. The town is quaint but there weren't many things open. I was there mid summer. I did enjoy the sankthansaften celebration which was a witch burning bonfire on the beach. If I were in your situation I would find a celebration in Sweden that was closer.

I now realize that this post is too late for you, but perhaps it may influence a future traveler.

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3522 posts

Oslo is nice, but it is just another big city. If you like big cities, fantastic.

I really enjoyed Aero. It was relaxing because it was overall a more relaxed place. Food was wonderful. The weather was nicer than predicted (Oslo was torrential downpours and very chilly. Aero was the opposite!). I just had a great time wandering about. The B&B we stayed at was also fantastic, except for the down the hall bathrooms which actually turned out to be not such a bad thing as there were several of them and the place was not fully booked. Had a nice laundromat across the street (unfortunately which I have heard is closed now). Could have stayed another day and been even happier.

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15 posts

Thank you all for for your advice. In the end, $$$ sealed the deal for me. It would have cost a small fortune for me to unwind my previous plans so i decided to go ahead with Aero this weekend. I’m about 20 minutes from the end of the ferry ride and all looks good. I’m told all the shops and restaurants will stay open, there are tons of visitors on their way to the island with me, and even the sun is out! I’m looking forward to my vacation from my vacation (as Rick might put it) and changing from my urban sneakers to my flip-flops in less than an hour :)

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470 posts

I'd be interested in the follow up, answering your own question as to whether it was worth the journey. We're planning a trip to Scandinavia and are thinking about the same amount of time on Aero Island, two nights, then travel back to Copenhagen to take the ferry to Oslo. To get to Aero Island did you take the train from Copenhagen to Odense, then a local train to Svendborg, then the ferry, or did you take the train to Nyborg, then a bus to Svendborg, then the ferry? Any suggestions for us?