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Tuscan cheese farm day tour?

Hi! I am looking for an affordable guided day trip that could accommodate 6 people from Florence where we may be able to visit a cheese-making farm to see cheese made, and taste/purchase. I've been researching online and found a couple places that looked fun but they are either very expensive tours or are not guided so would require us driving there. We wont be renting a car so that makes it tricky. We don't want to go to a factory but would rather see a smaller production/farm situation.

Any recommendations?

Thanks so much!

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You might want to contact Antonella Piredda to see if she could put together something for you. Check out the food and wine tours on her website. I've not done a food tour with her, but she was our private guide for a few hours in Siena, and we loved being with her. I think her cost divided by 6 people might be very doable. I told her what I wanted to see in Siena, and she fit the tour to us wonderfully.