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Normandy D-Day Tour

I am not sure how (other than divine intervention) we were fortunate enough to grab a spot with this #1 rated company just a few weeks before our departure for France AND during D-Day week-but we did. In addition, I think we got the best tour guide there is-Yannick. This young man is so very passionate about what he is doing and what he is sharing with his clients. There is no doubt he loves the history of D-Day and the time surrounding this significant event. BUT he doesn't just impart the historic facts, he gives personal stories of the men who gave their all. He told us stories of their courage and their humanity. We grieved with them and we rejoiced with them. We felt at times we were there in every step and misstep of these gallant soldiers, climbing the cliffs, clinging to the shingles on the beaches, and fearlessly charging up the hills. We loved the stop at the little church in Angoville-au-Plain,where two medics of the 101st Airborne (Robert Wright and Kenneth Moore) cared for 80 soldiers (including Germans) and a child for three days. Yannick showed us that blood still remained on one of the pews after 72 years- how could you not be touched? He showed actual historic photos at nearly every stop that related to what we were seeing at the site. It put you right there with those men in the photos!
If you are considering a D-Day tour, look no further than Overlord-a quality company with customer satisfaction as a priority.

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3212 posts

I took one of their tours two years ago and it exceeded my expectations. I also recommend them highly.

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890 posts

Had William 3 weeks ago with Overlord and he was great....a great tour!

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782 posts

I did the D Day tour with Overlord and it was the most in depth tour of that kind that I have ever done and the stop at the little Church was heart warming.

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1 posts

We will be fortunate enough to be in this wonderful part of Europe in late October. We will definitely look into Overlord. Are there any other recommendations? Does Overlord do group tours or are they private?