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Fantastic tour in Milan

The Best of Milan and the Last Supper - Tour Guide Charles (his middle name but easier to remember).
If you only have a short time to spend in Milan, this is a wonderful opportunity to see some of the highlights, experience an interesting, informative guide and enjoy a local's tips (ok, he isn't a native [Welsh mom and French dad], but he's lived here 9 years and truly knows his stuff). The three-hour tour is an easy stroll, but packed fully of quirky, funny information to more serious historical insights. Well worth your time - if there were stars, Charles is a 5 out of 5.

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6391 posts

Cathy, do you have contact information? A website or email? And how much does it cost, more or less? We'll be in Milan this summer, and wouldn't mind a guided tour, if it fits the budget.

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4 posts

Hi Jane,
I'm not sure who the company is, but I found the tour on
The tour was 60 something euros which was a lot for my budget but worth it. Our tour had about 5 people in all (although it is the dead of winter and there aren't many tourists here) and Charles used these headphone speakers that made listening to his talk much nicer that a shouting tour guide. Truly enjoyed my day. Hope this helps.

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6391 posts

It looks like there may not be available dates for when we're in Milan, but I'll keep checking. We're there Sunday afternoon - Thursday, with Thursday being our flight out. One of the tours did show Sunday availability, but only in the morning. I'll keep checking. Did you try the wine experience they list?

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4 posts

Hi Jane,
No, I didn't try the wine tour as I am here for work and I only had one day to explore. I chose the tour and Last Supper as I thought that would be the most comprehensive tour for the amount of time I had. The wine tour sounds fun, though.