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3nights in munich

Hi! Everyone
Am in Munich from the 25th till the 28th of May, 2017 and then again from the 5th till the 7th of June .
It's our 1st trip to Germany. Please could you guys tell me how we should go about planning out our time there. We would want to take a walk to see the Nazi history come alive for us
Admire the beautiful architecture that Munich has to offer.&
Also take a day trip to see King Ludwigs castles etc.
Thanks in advance

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614 posts

Consider maybe spending 2 or 3 nights in Salzburg with day trip to Hallstat and/or Eagles nest. Others do a day trip to Nuremburg. Six nights in Munich might be too much.

Posted by
8251 posts

I don't know if you'll see much Nazi history except out at the Dachau work camp. It's worth anyone's time to visit. You can visit the Hofbrauhaus where Hitler spoke in the basement--first time anyone really paid him any attention.
By all means, visit Nymphenburg palace and also the downtown palace of the Hapsburgs. The Deutsches Museum is pretty special.
Wikipedia has a great section on this great city.

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12040 posts

Germany has gone to great lengths to make sure that it's Nazi history doesn't "come alive", but rather stays dead and buried. If you're looking for remnants of the NS period, you'll see little beyond the memorial at Dachau and a few historical markers where opponents of the regime were either killed or arrested. I believe some companies offer walking tours with an emphasis on Third Reich history, but you'll see mostly the locations where certain structures formerly stood, like the Munich Braunes Haus or the Ehrenmal. I think only two or three buildings constructed by the regime in the typical National Socialist style remain in the entire city.

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4159 posts

There are several places of interest pertaining to Nazi history in Munich , here are two - Stand in Odeonsplatz facing the Feldherrnhalle . This is the location where the attempted coup of the Bavarian government took place in 1923 , best known as " The Beer Hall Putsch " . On the wall of the Residenz to your left is a plaque to the Bavarian police killed in the encounter . From there , walk west on Brienner Strasse several blocks past Karolinenplatz and you will find the newly completed NS Dokumentation center . Three floors of photos , film , newspapers and much more , telling the story of the rise of the Nazis . Having done a fair amount of reading on this subject , I was nonetheless entranced , and spent over three hours perusing the contents .

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4159 posts

By the way , as far as beautiful architecture is concerned , Munich has a surfeit of it - One of my favorite areas is the area of Schwabing bordered by Leopoldstrasse on the east , Herzogstrasse on the north , Kurfurtenstrasse - Belgradestrasse on the west . and Franzjosefstrasse to the south . There are a number of particularly striking Jugendstil buildings on Ainmillerstrasse just to the west of Leopoldstrasse and another at Leopoldstrasse , 77 , just north of the Munchner Freiheit U6 stop . Arm yourself with a good map and start there , lots of great eye candy in this part of town

Posted by
24 posts

Thanks so much to all of you.
I am taking a day trip to see King Ludwig's castle.
Salzburg I will not be doing as am going to Prague n then to Vienna from there.
I intend taking the Flix bus to Prague from Munich. Any comments on the Flix bus service?
Thanks loads