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Train from Zurich to Prague

We would like to catch a train from Zurich to Prague but stop along the way for overnight stays - looking at taking 3 days to get to Prague. Any ideas please??

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5456 posts

In my opinion, overnight stays do not add value to a trip. What will you see in one night? I'd rather spend the extra days in either Switzerland or Prague. OR, maybe go halfway, say to Munich, spend several nights there, and continue on to Prague. OR just fly.

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16895 posts

Certainly you can spend three days in Munich, with a daytrip from there to Salzburg if you want a little variety, or vice versa. The fastest train direct from Zurich to Munich takes 4 hours, departing around 7:00 and 9:00, for instance.

The fastest direct train from Zurich to Salzburg runs past mountains in Tirol and takes 5.5 hours, departing around 10:30. Further detours would add more travel time, particularly since service to/from Prague is less frequent than other routes in Germany or Austria.

If you were traveling directly from Zurich to Prague, then you'd consider a direct overnight train or a budget flight ( How to Look Up Train Schedules and Routes Online gives you the DB train schedule link and tips for using it.