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Sleeper Train: Prague to Krakow

Hi, I'm trying to book an overnight train from Prague to Krakow from the CD e-shop. However when I tried to select either a couchette or a sleeper, the following error message appeared, "Your request could not be granted. Train category and tariff details incompatible.".

I've two questions: (1) Why does the error message appear? If I just chose a seat reservation instead, it's fine. Does that mean I cannot book a sleeper? (2) Is it absolutely necessary for me to book online if I want the cheapest option there? Or can I just purchase the tickets at the Praha hln station when I arrive (I'll be arriving in Prague 2 days beforehand)? Thanks!

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9 posts

Hi, I have a question regarding the train from Prague to Krakow. Is it advisable to book a seat near the toilet? I'm afraid it might be smelly or noisy. Has anyone had any experience whether this is the case for Czech trains?

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16894 posts

If you'll take shared compartments with 3, 4 or 6 beds, then I would wait and book tickets upon arrival. I think you can get them at the Cedok tourist office in central Prague, as well as at Prague train station, or at another train station earlier in your trip, such as in Munich train station. If given a choice, I would not book a place near the toilet.

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49 posts

Consider using for a quicker and cheaper trip. I found them surfing the net and took a chance. It worked out very well for us - professionally run and they will respond to individual questions via e-mail. There's a 7 am train you take to Ostrava where a shuttle bus meets you and goes directly to Krakow - we got there around 2 pm.