Hi all,
I will be travelling to Prague by train from Munich (to Praha hl.n).
I read many places that hop-on hop-off buses are not that great. I was thinking about getting a tram pass instead, since I will be travelling with a toddler and may not be able to do long walk.
The dpp.cz website states 24hrs pass. Since I will be there for even less than 24hrs technically (6:30pm on day 1 to 3:30pm on day 2), can I purchase the 24hrs pass and will it cover both the days of travel for me?
Also, I read the following on the dpp.cz website:
In the P, 0 and B zones in Prague any person accompanying a child under the age of 3 qualifies for a free fare of CZK 0 (this is not applicable on PIT trains, nor on the AE line nor on suburban bus lines in the outlying tariff zones), with the proviso, however, that the child must have either „Proof of being under 3 years of age“ (the price for this requisite document is CZK 20) or a valid ID card or passport.
Does the above mean that most tourist places will not be covered if I opt for free transport?