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Prague on a weekend

We are here in Prague (2 couples in our late 50's) and we cannot believe all the drunken groups of bridal parties - both bride and groom on Friday and Saturday nights. The women are worst then the men. We were by a statute of a pregnant woman listing to a tour guide and 4 drunk girls started dancing around us, flirting with the guide, squatting down with tiny skirts leaving nothing to the imagination and carrying on. He finally got them to leave but it took awhile. It wasn't even late, it was only 9:00 pm. It wouldn't be too bad if there weren't so many different large groups. They are all over the city. We're hoping they will be gone tomorrow. Has anyone else experienced this?

If you are just starting to plan your vacation, avoid Prague on a weekend.

Otherwise, the city is beautiful, the weather is cooperating and life is good, especially when on vacation.

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19275 posts

Stag parties and Hen parties appear to be all the rage among a certain cross section of the English population. Did the groups having matching "fancy attire" or did the men just paint their bare chests. Most, but not all will be gone when the weekend is over. Then you will have to deal with the typical tourist crunch. Count on this in Prague. It has been the case every time I have been there. Lets face it some cities have become great party centers with cheap drinks and plentiful adult entertainment. It's really sad. Still its a beautiful city and every bit worth the time

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41 posts

Before my time in Prague last month I had read and heard about the stag and hen parties that descend on Prague (and many other European cities) during the weekends. One of the local guides in Prague also told me about the stag and hen parties. Luckily I never ran across stag and hen parties, possibly because during the weekends I would return to my hotel relatively early. Though I do recall one Saturday night (when I was about to go to bed), I did hear loads of people making noise out on the street (that's when I put on my ear plugs!). I wonder if those were stag and hen parties, or if those were fans watching and celebrating a World Cup match...

As for the statue of the pregnant woman, I wonder if that's the fairly large metallic, glittering statue at the intersection/roundabout right near the Jewish Quarter. I would pass by that statue at times to and from my hotel, and I noticed people taking photos and standing next to that statue.

Yes, the stag and hen parties are only there on the weekends. And I agree, Prague is absolutely beautiful, and I had such a wonderful and memorable time in Prague. Enjoy the rest of your holiday in Prague!

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4099 posts

Yes James, they were British and dressed in costumes, and the taste level questionable. The soccer fans were quiet compared to these groups. I would even understand if they were young, but many groups were quite a bit older, early 30's. We didn't let it ruin our night though, just tried to avoid them.

Ernesto, it was the statue you mention. That group of girls was actually from Slovakia.

Will keep you posted.

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4099 posts

James, I was thinking the exact same thoughts, they make Americans look better. What a difference a day makes, Monday was peaceful and Monday night even better. Next weekend we will be in Vienna and I have feeling it will be quiet. the other weekends of our trip we will be in Croatia visiting family so it should be quiet there too!

Posted by
19275 posts

You can find the nutz in Vienna too. It's hard to escape them. We even see them from time to time in Budapest. I have an English friend who lives in Budapest, when we are out and we see the obnoxious, drunk English he just drops his head in shame and walks the other way. Yes, Americans look good compared to these crews....

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14690 posts

Good information to know when planning the next visit to Prague, ie, avoid being there on the week-end. Certainly something to consider. It's well known that this Central European city has become the most preferred party town of that sort. I always include a week-end in my stays, (one reason because of certain historical museums) in Vienna but have not run across these type of party nuts. In that case if time only permits a week-end between choosing Prague or Budapest, I'll take Budapest, less of a chance of encountering party drunkards and better food.

True, I agree; how other nationalties carry on nowadays make Americans as a group look very good, compared to 30-40 years ago. They don't get the prize for obnoxious, rude behaviour anymore, others have beaten them to it, which is plain to see.

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4637 posts

Prague has very good and very cheap beer. Unfortunately that is a magnet for drunkards.

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1702 posts

Or, stay near the castle in Prague. We did, and it was a very quiet area in the evenings. Loved it.

We did see a lot of people having wedding photos taken in Prague and in Munich.