I'm going to Rome in two weeks and I've filled out the PLF for Italy. I plan to go to Prague for a few days during my time in Rome and i'm unclear about whether i need to fill out another PLF. One site says i need to, another says if coming from an EU country i don't need to. Is that true for one who is coming originally from the US?
If you are flying to Prague from Rome then you have to complete the PLF. The only exemption is if you drive yourself. https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/article/coronavirus-information-of-moi.aspx
just been hearing that as from tomorrow all covid entry requirements to the Czech Republic will be lifted, , not seen official confirmation yet.
And indeed, that is the case. The Czech government announced just hours ago that all Covid restrictions- including the PLF- are no longer required as of April 9, 2022.