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Old Town lodgings with laundry machines?

Wondering please if any recommendations for a Prague residence hotel, that would have washer/dryer?
Tentatively I booked a soul-less Airbnb in New Town. Also in New Town there is a residence hotel MOOo Downtown on Myslikova (sister property to mosaic hotel) with some laundry access.

Would you recommend against staying on main thoroughfare in New Town? I don't mind a little noise, but it seems very touristy (and not in a quaint Old Town way). Thanks in advance

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18896 posts

With AirBnb's, especially flats, if they advertise:

Laundry Machine: you will probably just get a washer and have to hang to dry. It might be large enough for 2 pairs of jeans and four shirts.

Washer/Dryer: This will probably be a single unit that both washes and "dries" your clothes. The dryer is a Condensing Dryer which means that after about 2.5 hours of "drying" you will still have damp clothes. It will have a capacity of 2cf or less which means at most you can wash and "dry" a pair of jeans, two shirts, 1 skivvy and a pair of socks.

Not criticism. I live with one of these 3 or 4 months a year and its just become a lifestyle.

Once you pick a place to stay, google for self service laundry shops that has equipment that will do a faster job. I am particularly lazy and sometimes take things to a full service laundry when it piles up and dont want to spend a day doing laundry.

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462 posts

We didn't look for lodging with washer/dryer but we did use the laundry recommended in RS Prague to have wash and fold service done while we were out doing fun things. This supplemented our hand washing of things that were quick dry. It was 250kc per load and packed into a plastic bag which kept it dry while we carried it back to our cute Old Town hotel in the drizzle.

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90 posts

Thanks Mister E and Tigerfan!

Alas now I'm regretting having a dryer as a main deciding factor. It seems strange to go all that way from the states, to such as special place, and be laundry centric. I just am looking at my small carry-on luggage, and am really feeling the pressure to keep things to a minimum.

Btw, if you're reading down in this thread, is New Town area for lodging too drunk/touristy?
It's such a conundrum, because I want to be in walkable distance to everything, but I don't want to be near too many dang tourists, lol

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18896 posts

You are talking Prague. If you do the top 10 or 20 sites in town you will be in Tourist Central, no avoiding it. I dont know how the post COVID tourist mash is; I noticed tourism as usual in Budapest a few weeks ago and I assume the same in Prague. If you are traveling when school is in session and avoiding the weekends then fewer drunks .....

As for your MOOo Downtown. Sure, but if it were me, since 75% of my time would be Old Town and the castle across the bridge, I would stay closer to Old Town. It is what it is. Make the best of it.

Oh and back on the washer, if you have trouble finding it, look in the bathroom. Possibly a drying line in there too. Despite my comments, the Washer/Dryer beats washing clothes in the sink.

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462 posts

Prague was crowded with tourists the second half of last week. We stayed right on Old Town Square and were not disturbed by late night noise, but there were people outside 24-7. I did not note people who were visibly drunk. We loved the location. My husband set out at 6:20am to get photos that were not full of people. Some restaurants turned away people without reservations, others were uncrowded. Walking anywhere between Old Town Square and the Castle Quarter was an exercise in dodging and weaving as people abruptly stop to check their cell phones right in the flow of pedestrians etc... St. Vitus had a long line up outside and was shoulder to shoulder inside. Everything else was fine.

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886 posts

We loved everything about our stay at Hotel Residence Agnes and would recommend it with high praise. Their service is amazing. The staff did our laundry for us in-house; the owner drove us to the castle one day. One of our favorite hotels in Europe.