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New bus from Prague Airport direct to Cesky Krumlov

I just received this message from the Student Agency Bus representative. They now have a direct bus from the airport to Cesky Krumlov.

We have scheduled buses every hour from Prague Airport to Cesky Krumlov.
Try searching for Czech Republic / Airport (Letiste Václava Havla) and Cesky Krumlov for the "to" - destination point.

Kind Regards,
Tamas Lengyel

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24 posts

Vivian, thanks so much for the news! We will in all likelihood take that bus on our visit this fall.


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24 posts

OK, I'm a bit confused. This site,, seems to be one step removed from the official Student Agency site (, or for English or German), which facilitates direct reservations, knows whether your bus is full or not, and allows you to purchase tickets without having to wait 24 hours for confirmation. Their prices are, strangely, posted in Hungarian forint.

The official site so far doesn't know about the airport bus to Cesky Krumlov. I'm sending an email to the official site asking about this other site, and whether this new bus from the airport is planned.

Update: Student Agency replies that they don't offer such a bus. I can't seem to get the blockquote feature working but I've reproduced the email below as best I can.

thank you for your interest in our services.

We do have busses to Cesky Krumlov, but it´s not a direct route. You´ll need to switch busses and get from one stop in Prague to another (Praha Florenc - Praha, Na Knížecí).

  1. Praha, Letiště Václava Havla -> Praha, ÚAN Florenc
  2. Praha, Na Knížecí -> Český Krumlov, AN

You can buy our tickets here in CZK or here in Euros.

Best regards,

Kateřina Bortlová

operátor call centra

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18 posts

Thank you very much for noticing this discrepancy and following up on it.