Anybody have an experience in this town? Have a choice between iitomerice and going to terezin
How much time is enough in litomerice? What is there to see?
Anybody have an experience in this town? Have a choice between iitomerice and going to terezin
How much time is enough in litomerice? What is there to see?
if you have a full day then do both, they are just a short distance apart . Terezin needs a minimum of 4 hours but from my experience 6 hours or more is needed as it is quite spread out.Litomerice is a lovely small town but does not have the number of interesting sites of Terezin.
How are you planning to get to these places,if by your own car then both are very easy to do, if by public transport , still very doable but care would have to be taken to get timings right.