(Note: This post is equally about Hungary, but the RS forum won't allow me to post a similar topic in both forums.
I’m taking an impromptu, first-time solo trip that precedes a family vacation in Paris. Just under 10 days on the ground.
- March 25: ATL-BUD arrives @ 11am
- TBD: Train/flight from BUD-PRG
- April 4: PRG-CDG departs @ 6am
I’m a thorough planner (I’ve been studying the Paris leg for months), so this 3-week lead time is stressful. But part of the reason I chose these cities is because I knew they’d be relatively “easy” and good for solo wandering. I’m not looking for a complicated itinerary, but I don’t want to completely wing it.
I won’t ask for readily available advice on locations and sights, but would love some initial guidance.
- I think I have time for leisurely stays in both cities, or the ability to squeeze in one of: Vienna, Bratislava, or a smaller town like Český Krumlov. Does that seem right?
- I understand that Český Krumlov (or a similarly charming town) is best with 1-2 nights, versus a daytrip. Does that make more sense en route to Prague (if train), or after I’m already in Prague? Since my flight on April 4 is so early—and I really can’t miss that flight—I’m not against relocating to a PRG airport hotel on April 3. So, 2 locations in Prague might happen anyway. (Of course, fewer = better.)
- Does the fact that I’m going to Paris afterwards affect any of the standard advice? For example, maybe art museums aren’t so important? Maybe Vienna is less of a contrast than the other side-trips?
I’ll be back with more specific and informed questions, but this should put me on the right track. Thanks!