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Itinerary Help for Prague (and Budapest, and Paris!)

(Note: This post is equally about Hungary, but the RS forum won't allow me to post a similar topic in both forums.

I’m taking an impromptu, first-time solo trip that precedes a family vacation in Paris. Just under 10 days on the ground.

  • March 25: ATL-BUD arrives @ 11am
  • TBD: Train/flight from BUD-PRG
  • April 4: PRG-CDG departs @ 6am

I’m a thorough planner (I’ve been studying the Paris leg for months), so this 3-week lead time is stressful. But part of the reason I chose these cities is because I knew they’d be relatively “easy” and good for solo wandering. I’m not looking for a complicated itinerary, but I don’t want to completely wing it.

I won’t ask for readily available advice on locations and sights, but would love some initial guidance.

  1. I think I have time for leisurely stays in both cities, or the ability to squeeze in one of: Vienna, Bratislava, or a smaller town like Český Krumlov. Does that seem right?
  2. I understand that Český Krumlov (or a similarly charming town) is best with 1-2 nights, versus a daytrip. Does that make more sense en route to Prague (if train), or after I’m already in Prague? Since my flight on April 4 is so early—and I really can’t miss that flight—I’m not against relocating to a PRG airport hotel on April 3. So, 2 locations in Prague might happen anyway. (Of course, fewer = better.)
  3. Does the fact that I’m going to Paris afterwards affect any of the standard advice? For example, maybe art museums aren’t so important? Maybe Vienna is less of a contrast than the other side-trips?

I’ll be back with more specific and informed questions, but this should put me on the right track. Thanks!

Posted by
21477 posts

25 Arrive 11 am, transfer to accommodation and checked in by 1pm. Local neighborhood day.
26 Half of Pest
27 Half of Pest
28 Half of Pest
29 Special day. Winery or a trip to a neighboring town, or Tihany or Gyor or …..
30 Buda Day
31 Afternoon Flight or Train to Prague
1 Prague tour
2 Prague tour
3 Prague tour
4 Prague tour

I like Cesky, but not as a day trip. You need to spend the night. But it’s a lot of road time unless you spend time in Vienna on the way up. There are some closer and very interesting day trips out of Prague that I will let the Prague experts tell you about.

For Budapest there are a number of interesting day trips but need to know more abut what you are interested in.

Posted by
111 posts

So if I'm understanding correctly, Český works best from Vienna, rather than from Budapest. It would be nice to overnight--or at least see--a smaller town along the way (since I'll be doing three big cities, counting Paris afterward) and I should I have enough time to absorb that. Brno comes up a lot. Maybe that's the answer?

I'm seeing these options emerge. I could be wrong, but my hunch is that I'll enjoy Budapest more than Prague, since overly touristy places wear me down.

A: 6 nights Budapest, 4 nights Prague

This allows time for improvisation, bad weather, local experiences, and daytrips / excursions. I'll look into flights, but will probably take the train, since I'll be doing lots of airports on the extended trip.

B: 6 nights Budapest, 4 nights Prague, Daytrip en route

Same as A, but trade a half-day in Budapest or Prague for a half-day elsewhere. Brno and Bratislava seem logical, since I don't have time for Vienna. (I realize Bratislava isn't a "small town," but would be cool to see a new country.)

C: 6 nights Budapest, 1 night Brno (?), 3 nights Prague

If Brno (or another quaint place) is the type of touristy town that works best as an overnight, then I could stay to enjoy the evening and morning.

D: 5 nights Budapest, 3 nights Prague, 1 night Český, 1 night PRG Airport Hotel

I visit Český after Prague. At first, this seems dumb, but as I said, my PRG flight is at 6:30am and missing my flight would be terrible. So, even in Option A, I might move to a hotel airport that last night.

Regarding interests, I love the outdoors and hiking, but this will be late March, so not sure. If there's a "hike" to a castle, that could be a good compromise. I enjoy learning about unique local culture through workshops, cooking classes, farms, etc. I'm not into religious sites, unless architecturally significant. I'm not really a wine guy. I do like beer, but my tolerance isn't what it once was.

Posted by
21477 posts

When i saw your topic, before I finished reading it, I checked the train to Brno. So obviously I vote for C. I am not a fan of Bratislava, but if you like Dusneyland Main St, you might like Bratislava Old Town.

Posted by
1346 posts

Cesky Krumlov is between Vienna and Prague - thus it's on the way from Budapest to Prague. It's a waste of precious time to retrace steps by going from Prague back to Cesky Krumlov.

Take the train from Budapest to Vienna, then CK shuttle to Cesky for an overnight stay. Then CK Shuttle or train from Cesky to Prague. Or else find a relatively easy daytrip from Prague to a destination that you find appealing.

Posted by
21477 posts

Cesky Krumlov is on the way, with only a small detour, from Vienna to Prague. But Vienna isn't exactly on the way from Budapest to Prague, its another small detour. I suspect that using CK or Bean Shuttle out of Vienna (they would actually pick you up at the train station), it would take close to 6 hours reach Cesky Krumlov. Prague is another two hours, so Cesky Krumlov isnt exactly halfway. Now if you like the idea of Cesky Krumlov and its a place you aways wanted to see, go for it. I get that completely.

Posted by
21477 posts

Cesky Krumlov, or Bratislava (naaaaaa), or Vienna or ..... where ever. A lot of people have trouble looking past an efficient trip where everything lines up neatly. If that works, then thats fine for me, but if getting the most personal value out of the trip requires a wild card, then do it. If you had said you always wanted to see Nesebar I would have said, Budapest (or Prague) and Nesebar .... go for it. No rules in personal enjoyment.

All the Budapest stuff is only because its one of the few travel subjects where I am useful. Prague, Vienna wonderful too. Prague the support here could be better. Vienna has Emily so much easier to plan a productive trip.

Regarding interests, I love the outdoors and hiking, but this will be
late March, so not sure.

This is early March (still) and our 10 day forecast has a high temperature each day between 55F and 70F and a low temperature each morning before sunrise between 35F and 45F. But who knows what will really happen.

If there's a "hike" to a castle, that could be a good compromise.

Then definately take the stairs to the Castle District (i cant do that any more). Also might enjoy walking Margrit Island as it has a bit of architecture, a bit of nature, some restaurants. Still has a local feel.

Oh, here is something not often done by tourists. Take the chairlift up and hike down (did that once .... that was enough).

I enjoy learning about unique local culture through workshops, cooking
classes, farms, etc.

If you like cooking classes then I that pdf file that you might have downloaded has a list. My favorite is Culinary Hungary. The wonderful woman will take you shopping (or not, up to you) then back to her kitchen to cook. Eat With also has some intresting ideas in Budapest.

I am going to guess you might be interested in some less than spectacular but really local neighborhoods, markets and shops. If you do come, once you have some things set, if you let me know I can direct you to a few ideas. You know you might be the type to enjoy a day in the Puszta and a Horse Show. Texas Travel Mom did one a few years ago. Maybe she will chime in with a recommendation as to which one. There are several out there and I dont know much about which is better.

I'm not into religious sites, unless architecturally significant.

Good, not much to die for here in that regard. The stop at Pannonhalma Archabbey is interesting but maybe not for you becuase its a winery too.

I'm not really a wine guy. I do like beer, but my tolerance isn't what
it once was.

Beer or wine ..... gotta drink one or go thirsty. Wait, there is Unicum and Palinka. Okay Unicum, you arent a drinker, but for the history (facinating especially post war) architecture (cellars and 150 year old warehouse production buildings not fancy pancy Vienna architecture) you might want to visit the Unicum plant: (oh, the opening page is asking for your birth date)

Posted by
111 posts

I've decided on 6 nights Budapest + 4 nights Prague. Since I might relocate to a PRG hotel my last night, I don't want to get too "choppy."

I'll either do Option A (11:35am Ryanair BUD-PRG) or Option B (~8am train to Brno / Bratislava / Vienna, spend 4-6 hours, then arrive in Prague 6pm-8pm).

Option A favors daytrips (or not, if I'm happy where I am) from the two bases, while Option B achieves a daytrip en route (and truly taking the whole day).

My transit day would be a Sunday (March 31). I'd arrive in the stopover ~ noon. Does that affect my decision? If these options would feel dead, then I'd rather fly than take the 6:45 train ride all at once.

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21477 posts

I would have trouble with the decision too. I've never been to Brno but hear good things. Still, I'm not a huge fan of long train rides. If I did Brno I would stay the night. I'd flip a coin on this. You said Bratislava too ... no i woud do all the time in Brno.

If you fly, you have time for a day trip and there are some good ones from Budapest depending on your interests. Look at one out of Prague with A or B. At least hold one in reserve. Prague is beautiful but for some 2 days does it well.

Posted by
21477 posts

I have talked to much and don't want to interfere in your Austria post

If you did want to stop in Vienna, that would not be a terrible idea for a day. Its not halfway but it is hard to skip. I didnt push it becuase you said you wanted to see it with the wife. 75% of what there is to see is in the ringstrasse so thats where you go. Very compact and you can walk past a lot it in a little time.

You mentioned night trains to Prague costing too much; "Much more than a hotel". Did you find a hotel in Budapest or Prague much less than $114? Or $66 if you dont mind a bunky for the night. Check prices here, not OBB

Posted by
111 posts

Ah, I was on the CZ site and see that the MAV site is much cheaper. Thank you for pointing that out (again!). But, still more than an Airbnb, and I probably wouldn't sleep very well. I think I have enough nights between the two cities to avoid this, even if I steal one for Vienna.