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In Prague with kids

We will be in Prague with kids, for 3 days, who don't like to go to museums but love castles. What would you recommend we see? Should we go to Cesky Krumlov?

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1399 posts

I really like Cesky Krumlov but given what you say about your kids Karlstejn Castle might be a better bet? it's closer and you can get there by train which, in my experience of travelling with kids, is always an advantage :)

You can also get a train to Cesky Krumlov but it's not as straightforward.

A couple of other thoughts: Petrin Hill and the funicular railway might be worth a look. There is a tower and mirror maze at the top.

Or how about a boat ride to the zoo? (This link may be in Czech but google translates it automatically.)


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16894 posts

I don't think of Prague as a big museum destination, at least not with the type of museums you spend hours in. The castle, cathedral, and "Golden Lane" take about a half day. I'd spend another morning at the Jewish Quarter for synagogues and cemetery (there are several, but no single site is very large). Among "museum" options, the Slav Epic (cycle of large paintings by Mucha) is beautiful and displayed in one big room and the Museum of Communism sounds user-friendly (though I haven't been). A walking tour might be a good choice in the old town, depending on the ages of the kids.

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66 posts

You might want to consider a "Black Light Theatre" show. Some consider it kitschy, but I saw "Afrikania" by IMAGE and had a blast. I'm an older male, but there were people of all ages and everyone in the packed house seemed to enjoy it.

Google "Prague black light" and you'll find several alternatives, some of which are aimed more at adults than children.

The above advice about Karlstejn Castle vis-a-vis Cesky Krumlov is good. I saw both, and stayed a couple days in the latter. Karlstejn is an easy day trip from Prague.

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167 posts

We were in Prague three years ago and went to the Museum of Communism - it is a smallish place, but depending on the age of your kids, could be a nice intro to what life was like under Communism, especially if they've learned about it in history class. We spent about an hour or so there, and it's not just a picture and label type of museum. They have "sets" that illustrate what a typical grocery store looked like, or what kids were expected to study in school, etc. I can't speak to the castle question, however. I hope you have a great trip!

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57 posts

We just got back from Prague and one of the highlights we did was the Segway tours. My family consisted of me and my wife (both 48 yrs old), our daughter (16) and my mother-in-law (65). We all had a blast and it was easier than riding bikes. We got to see the light lights of the town without the heavy walking uphill. they really are easy to drive. In Prague, they say you only have to be 6 yrs old but I think that is too young. I would say if you kids are at least 10 yrs old you should be ok. They will let you practice in the square to see if you like it. Head to the square around 9:30am and you will see lots of vendors selling tours.

Prague is the place to do this for small kids. In Berlin we were disappointed because the law requires you to have a drivers license and we told our daughter to leave hers at home.

We paid 5000 ($250) crowns in Prague for the 4 of us for 2:30 hrs.

Hope this helps