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GoEuro for train tickets

We need to book train tickets for Prague to Munich for a Sunday in April. The website was suggested to us
as a good place to purchase the tickets in advance.

Has anyone had experience with this website? We don't want to purchase tickets only to learn at the time of travel that they are not valid.

Thank you
Debbi Korman
Portland Oregon

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16894 posts

I have never heard of GoEuro, and since the German railway web site is very easy to use, that would be my first choice. Direct service may be only by the German InterCity bus the first two Sundays in April but there is a direct train option (slightly slower) on the latter two Sundays.

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2652 posts

If you are going to be in Prague for a few days before heading to Munich , worth popping into the main train station (Hlavni) and getting your tickets from the International ticket area there,staff all speak good English

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19171 posts

Laura, I see the direct IC bus from Prague to Munich on every Sunday in April (as well as on all other days (Mo-Sa) in April.

You can book the bus on the German Rail booking webpage. The train takes about an hour longer than the bus, but you can probably ticket it for less using Czech Rail tickets to Pilsen and a Bayern-Böhmen-Ticket from there to Munich.